Replacing your Inner Bully with the Gentle Voice of Jesus

  • Most of us have an inner voice that is constantly telling us that we should be doing better.
  • This has been called ‘the inner bully’.
  • There is an answer in Matthew 11.

Play Audio:

  • When I was at school, the most common thing for teachers to write on my report was “could do better”

“1. The Inner Bully”

1. The Inner Bully
  • Most of us have a voice inside us that is saying:
    • You’re not doing as well as you could be
    • You’re a failure
    • You don’t measure up to what you could be
    • You could do a lot better if you worked harder
    • You’re a mess
  • Where do these voices come from?
    • Generally from authority figures in our lives
    • We take their voices, and bring them inside us
    • They may be gone or far away but they’re still talking

“Our Parents”

Our Parents

Image source: “Kim Scarborough”

“Our Teachers”

Our Teachers

Image source: “LBJ Library”

“The Boss”

The Boss

Image source: worldbank

“Religious Figures”

Religious Figures

Image source: “Breen, A. E. (Andrew Edward)”

“One More”

One More

Image source: konradfoerstner

2. The Gentle leader

Three parts to passage:

  1. Reversal between God’s greatness and his humbling himself to speak to children
  2. Jesus is the only revealer
  3. His revelation brings rest (and is about rest)
    • And in this he’s revealing the true nature of the Father

Matt 11:25–30

  1. At that time, answering, Jesus said:
    I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth
          because you have hidden these things from the
          wise and learned
          and have revealed them to little children,
    26Yes Father, for thus it was well-pleasing before you.
  2. All things to me have been delivered by my Father
          and no-one knows the Son except the Father
          nor the Father does anyone know except the Son
    and to whom the Son might choose to reveal

Matt 11:25–30 cont’d

  1. Come to me all who are toiling and overburdened
          and I will give you rest.
  2.       Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
                for gentle I am, and humble in heart,
                and you will find rest for your souls.
  3.       for my yoke is easy
    and my burden is light.

“Yoked oxen plowing”

Yoked oxen plowing

Image source: “Petr Kosina”

What are our burdens?

  • not about physical work: Jesus doesn’t take that away
  • Speaking about the Pharisees, Jesus says in Matt 23:
  1. “They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear,
    and lay them on people’s shoulders,
    but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.”

“Samaritan High Priest”

Samaritan High Priest

Image source: “Keystone View Company”

Replacing the Bully with Jesus

  • “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11

What did Jesus say to people?

  • John 21: to Peter “feed my lambs”
  • Acts 7: Stephen “stood as Stephen was dying”
  • Acts 18:9 to Paul “Do not be afraid... for I am with you”
  • Acts 23:11 to Paul: “Take courage...”
  • Heb 11 only praised the good things about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Gideon etc.
  • Rev 2&3 Seven churches

W. Hendriksen, Commentary on Matthew, 505–6

In the study of this marvellous passage (verses 28–30) one fact is generally passed by in silence. It is this:

The authoritative advice Jesus gives is not only good for the soul; when heeded it also greatly benefits the body. The rest—peace of heart and mind—which Jesus here provides is the very opposite of the aggravated mental stress that sends so many people to doctors, hospitals, and death. Absence of peace, whether in the form of anxiety or of rancour and vindictiveness (the lust to “get even”), may lead to ulcers, colitis, high blood pressure, heart attacks, etc.

The teachings of Christ, if taken to heart, have a curative effect on the entire person, soul, and body. He is a complete Saviour!

Replace the Voice of the Bully

  1. Come to me all who are toiling and overburdened
          and I will give you rest.
  2. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
          for gentle I am, and humble in heart,
                and you will find rest for your souls.
  3. for my yoke is easy
    and my burden is light.
  • Understanding Jesus as Gentle is what gives us rest.
  • Taking Jesus’ yoke == learning from him
  • Joined to Jesus we are never alone!