Devotional Bible Reading

This 7-part series: Series on how to read the Bible in our daily devotions

  1. Mark in a Month 1. Hearing God Speak to you Personally Through the Bible (Matt 5:13–16 & Mark 1:1–20)
  2. Mark in a Month 2. Reading through Mark - The Big Story and Structure
  3. Mark in a Month 3. Making Sure our Hearts are not Hard, and our Ears are Ready to Hear (Mark 4:9–13, 8:17–19)
  4. Mark in a Month 4. The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark (8:22–10:52)
  5. Mark in a Month 5. Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23–24 & ch.13)
  6. Mark in a Month 6. Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us
  7. Reading the Old Testament in our Devotions